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If God is all-knowing, why did God create Satan knowing he would cause evil? This is a good...
If God is all-loving, why would he send people to Hell? This is a good question. Is God a cruel...
27 mai 2023 · God,Evil,Suffering,All-good,All-powerful
If God is all-powerful and all-good, why is there evil and suffering? This is a good question....
3 juin 2023 · Jesus,Christ,Resurrection,God,Tomb
Is the resurrection of Jesus a hoax? This is a good question. Are Christians believing in a...
10 juin 2023 · God,Hell,All-knowing,All-loving,Predestination
If God is all-knowing and all-loving, why would he create people he knew would go to Hell? This...
17 juin 2023 · God,Jesus,Hell,Gospel,never heard
Are those who have never heard the gospel of Jesus going to Hell? This is a good question. Is...
23 juin 2023 · Jesus,God,New Testament,Old Testament,Divinity
Did Jesus ever claim to be God? This is a good question. Did 4th century Christians invent...
1 juillet 2023 · God,Facts,Science,Evidence,Theism
Does God exist? This is a good question. Is belief in God’s existence based on ignorance,...